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Seafreight Insights

Read our Seafreight Insights to find out about the latest developments in the global sea cargo industry. Get an update on trade and rate developments as well as flexible solutions offered by cargo-partner to deal with the current challenges.

Last updated on September 3

Current market assessment from September 3, 2024:

Legend: traffic lights showing current status, arrow indicates possible development of transport rates.

Trade Analysis: Far East Westbound

After the first attacks on commercial shipping in the Red Sea in December, carriers started to take action too, rerouting vessels via the Cape of Good Hope. Currently, around 80% of vessels…

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Trade Analysis: Far East Eastbound

The carriers’ decision to divert traffic away from the Red Sea to avoid Houthi attacks is likely to impact shippers on the Europe to Middle East/ISC/Far East and Oceania lanes...

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Trade Analysis: Transatlantic Westbound

All carriers have implemented a “Panama Canal Surcharge” for transports to the US West Coast to cover the additional costs caused by the low water levels...

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Trade Analysis: Transpacific

We now face a combination of increased demand for space ahead of the upcoming Lunar New Year, reduced capacity through the Panama Canal, as well as US East Coast services originally routed…

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Looming Threat of Strikes at US Ports

Stalled labor negotiations at US ports on the East Coast and Gulf of Mexico pose a looming risk for retailers, manufacturers and other shippers. Find out more about the possible…

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Antwerp is still on Rotterdam’s heels

The Antwerp-Bruges container port is moving ever closer to its competitor Rotterdam in a recent ranking of the largest European ports. The Belgian port’s container throughput grew by 4.1%…

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Rising Risk in the Red Sea?

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Geopolitical tensions and attacks in the Red Sea have increased since the start of the Israel-Hamas conflict. In the wake of this conflict, merchant shipping was affected by missile…

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Panama Canal: When Waterways Lack Water

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The Panama Canal, which connects two oceans, simply does not have enough water. Delve deeper into maritime traffic jams and how the Suez Canal temporary substituted the Panama Canal.

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Reefer Transport Solutions

Reefer ocean freight is currently still volatile, but with rates on a comparatively low level. Read more about our experts' current reefer market assessment...

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What you need to know: European Union Emissions Trading System (EU ETS)

The EU has adopted a legislative action plan to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050. This plan includes reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 55% by 2030 and also impacts the shipping industry.

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